評論:中關村再現購物詐騙 傳統賣場命不久矣

本站網友 Melly ip:188.143.232.*
2016-08-29 03:32:52 發表
Based on what I saw so far in cooijnctunn with my experience with society, I would probably take it all, with a caveat.  I would say right up front, I am taking it all, you don’t have a change to get anything.  However, if you choose keep mine, then I will give you X amount of the prices.  I am on national TV and this is a binding verbal contract.  Any lawyers out there-I will also pay you $5,000 to represent the other contestent if I don’t share after the game.
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本站網友 中關村村民 ip:119.7.168.*
2015-12-29 22:22:25 發表
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