評論:"中關村質量獎"開始申報 優秀企業將獲資金獎勵

本站網友 Mildred ip:188.143.232.*
2016-09-02 11:49:24 發表
A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for conguibrtint!
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本站網友 Buffee ip:188.143.234.*
2016-08-28 20:06:31 發表
Just the title of this Post makes me want to GAG….and so does the mere though of Obama of all people ‘defining’ anyone…let alone women…It is known Obama himself looks at women as… no, wait a minute….let me rephrase this …. It is a know fact! Obama the Elitist looks at EVERYONE as Intellectually In#.fior….e&r8230;and so does his elitist ilk..So ‘my’ question would be… what’s the difference??Reply
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