評論:中國經濟增速目標變化 歐美股市和大宗商品市場急跌

本站網友 Sandy ip:188.143.232.*
2016-09-02 19:31:11 發表
Sorry NF I didn’t address the congressman aspect, yes they are their to protect their constituents. Unfortunately very few do. They have self interest or party interest held above their constituents interests. That goes for both parties and includes the upper house.There is no doubt filibustering hit an all time high during the past 4 years and for all sorts of &#&r20;2easons8#8221; most of which were actually self serving on both sides.
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本站網友 Daisy ip:188.143.232.*
2016-08-29 03:40:56 發表
I would rock a skinny belt with one of the two pairs of pants that I have that are two sizes two big for me! haha oops!<3 Mesnmsamelisla.lyni.asaral[at]gmail.comwildflwrchild.blogspot.com
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